
Dodd-Frank and EMIR Derivatives Reforms: Future Scenarios and the Impact on Derivatives Technology

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26 October 2011


Celent examines the evolving market structure for OTC derivatives execution and clearing in the US and Europe as Dodd-Frank Act and EMIR derivatives reforms are implemented. Celent also evaluates the impact of these new rules on IT spending on derivatives systems components across the buy side, sell side, and market infrastructure.

In a new report, Dodd-Frank and EMIR Derivatives Reforms: Future Scenarios and the Impact on Derivatives Technology, Celent employs a dynamic approach to predict the market structure and market environment to help clients make more informed strategic choices into 2012 and beyond. This report examines overall IT spending and likely areas of IT investment at major industry players, including swaps dealers, non-dealers, asset managers, hedge funds, and CCPs.

The Dodd-Frank Act and the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) are wide-reaching reforms which empower regulatory bodies in the US and Europe to regulate swaps market transactions, clearing, and market participation. Regulators have taken on ambitious timelines for drafting and implementing the reforms. However, the future is difficult to predict and regulatory reform could ultimately result in a wide range of market structure possibilities.

“In the end, we predict a two-tier swaps market with distinct dealer-to-dealer execution platforms and dealer-to-client platforms, based on the evolution of existing mechanisms and new market entrants,” says David Easthope, Research Director of Capital Markets at Celent and coauthor of the report. “At the same time, divergent approaches to regulation and rule application mean that the resulting market structure can vary across instrument class and by region.”

“Among market participants, swap dealers and CCPs will see the most widespread impact on their business models and IT budgets,” adds Cubillas Ding, Research Director of Finance & Risk at Celent and coauthor of the report.

This report provides a useful way for IT vendors and financial institutions to deploy an overall framework-based approach to make better decisions. Successive Celent reports will provide deeper dives and indicate the full impact on various areas and components of derivatives systems and other areas of IT.