
Dodd-Frank and EMIR Derivatives Reforms: Impact on Derivatives Pricing, Valuation, and Technology Expenditures

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16 November 2011


Celent expects that the move to electronic trading and central clearing from Dodd-Frank and EMIR will catalyze efforts to build out scalable, utility-like pricing infrastructures. Applications spending for front office pricing and middle/back office valuations is expected to reach US$634 million in 2014, growing at a CAGR of 7.2%.

Over the years, derivatives pricing and valuation practices have been shaped by both industry initiatives and regulations around capital adequacy, risk management, accounting standardization, and OTC derivatives trade processing and risk control objectives. Even before the 2008 financial crisis, there were discernible trends towards needing to align derivative pricing and portfolio valuation activities in order to strengthen front office pricing practices, achieve accurate valuations for off-balance sheet items on a mark-to-market basis, manage efficient collateralization, and improve governance and transparency to various internal/external stakeholders. With the impending implementation of Dodd Frank and EMIR on the horizon, these trends are not expected to slow down.

In a new report, Dodd-Frank and EMIR Derivatives Reforms: Impact on Derivatives Pricing, Valuation, and Technology Expenditures, Celent examines a number of regulatory scenarios that will shape business and competition dynamics and result in new market structures that are likely to change how price discovery or price formation mechanisms are delivered in coming years

“Broker-dealers’ ambitions to become ‘flow monsters’ are already precipitating the need for industrial strength pricing and market-making mechanisms that can handle increased trading volumes and ‘near instant’ reporting for pre- and post-trade transparency,” says Cubillas Ding, Research Director at Celent and author of the report.

Continuing on a series of reports on global derivatives regulation and market structure evolution, this report analyzes the impact of potential structural changes on derivatives pricing and valuation practices, technology delivery mechanisms, and associated IT expenditures.