
Economic Recovery and Future IT Investment: Q3 Insurance Industry Expectations and Strategies

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16 November 2009


The insurance industry appears to be coming to grips with the global economic crisis. The past year has been about making and implementing difficult decisions. Insurers are now focusing on getting back to delivery in 2010.

In a new report, Economic Recovery and Future IT Investment? Update on Q3 Insurance Industry Expectations and Strategies, Celent surveys insurers and vendors to ascertain their views of the credit crunch. The survey also looks into the available levers for any business—budgets, staffing levels, and strategies—and how these are being used.

Respondents remain confident that their companies are doing the right things to provide jobs, compete effectively, deliver on strategies, and succeed in both the long term and short term. "The concern over job security in Q2 has evaporated," says Catherine Stagg-Macey, senior insurance analyst with Celent's Insurance Group and coauthor of the report. "When asked about competing for new business, changes over Q2 were very noticeable, with significantly more confidence in this area."

"Claims and enterprise technologies are attracting higher levels of investment than a year ago,” adds Craig Weber, Senior Vice President of Celent's Insurance Group and coauthor of the report. “It is clear that the insurance industry generates an IT fashion cycle that reflects perceived areas of weakness and opportunity, and the availability of technology solutions that can improve operational results."

This report is the third in a series that tracks insurer responses to the crisis. The report focuses on changes between responses in Q2 and Q3 of 2009. It is based on a Celent survey that examines how insurers are responding to changing market conditions and their expectations about the impact of the crisis.

After Q4 2009, Celent will produce the final report in this series. It will look back on 2009, reflecting on how IT priorities and investments have been impacted by the global economic crisis. If current trends are any indication, insurers will be actively preparing for a flurry of investments in 2010, with an eye towards meeting future challenges.